11:00 am
UMBERTO DI NINO (Italy) GMT 11:00 - 13:00. (In Tbilisi - 15:00 - 17:00) - lecture / presentation
SCENOGRAPHY IN THEATRE AND FILM | Description: Go to the theatre. But what is theatre? Why go to the theatre? The theatre is the Aristotelian place where you can have purification, where you can share with the other spectators the meaning of life, be it comic or dramatic. A message that serves to make people think, love, dream and – because it is not – to be used in a civic sense as an instrument of education and civil rights collection. The theatre is a ritual, where people go to share a party, a drama, together. To attend an event to reflect on, to have fun. A playwright writes his work and the musician composes his music around the words and builds a story; the actors and/or singers play it with diligence; the set designer and the costume designer with all the staff of artists, painters, carpenters, tailors build the image, the setting, the scenography. The set designer with the costume designer are co-authors with the director and the musician of the theatrical and musical staging. The set designer builds the space and the environment without which words would remain in the void, without identity, without a connotation involving the spectator. What are the modes of representation of the scenography. Are there any canons on which to work to set a scenography? How much must the set design be naturalistic? And in stagecraft, in addition to traditional expressive means such as pencil, sheet of paper and line, how useful are computerised means? And which ones? Autocad? Sketch Up and Photoshop? In short, I would like to ask these questions and follow a path with the young people who will take part in the workshop to ask ourselves questions and give individual answers on how to interpret a musical or cinematographic theatrical set design. Talking, transmitting, exposing my professional life is not an easy task. I consider my professional history to have been very intense. I have had a lot of experience. I have worked a lot in the field of art and entertainment, ranging with extreme ease from spectacular events to Theatre of Prose, from Operas to Television broadcasts, from Fashion Shows to Commercials Spot. I was the set designer, the painter, but also the manager, the head of the order. I have designed sets, direct scenographic, installations for great artists, for important companies and bodies, organizing the Operations Department and putting together human, financial, business and procurement resources. Planed the work both artistically and technically – Prof. Umberto Di Nino will talk about his experience.