University of Arts in Poznań – Stage Design Studio
Curators, lectors: prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Podgórska-Glonti, dr Marta Wyszyńska
Stage design: Nur Küçükkömürcü
The studio’s program assumes interdisciplinary nature of the widely understood set design activities. In addition to the implementation of semester topics, students take part in exhibitions, festivals, external projects (theaters, cultural institutions), and collaborations with other universities and artists. The proposed topics take up issues based on literature as well as current social problems. The system of individual consultations allows for a thorough analysis of concepts and projects, developing the creation and skills of students. The student studies the design of the scenery for various types of scenes. The studio is a place for meetings, discussions, searches and experiments undertaken by students in the light, meaning and symbolism of objects and space. The presented projects are a response to the myth about Prometheus and plays by Sławomir Mrożek – “Emigranci”, “Słoń” and “Tango”.