Stage Design Department PHD 2019
Curator: Tan Zeen
Director: Wan Liming
Stage Design: Xu Dingwei
Lighting Design: Nurshat Ahmed
Image Design: Nurshat Ahmed
The design of the modern drama Athenian Agora refers to many paintings. It includes some western paintings as well as some traditional Chinese paintings. On the whole, the stage presents “the coexistence of reality and emptiness”, and create a paradoxical environment between the virtual and the real. The solid image of the columnar structure of the stage is integrated with the virtual image of the lighting and projection images. In this way, a constantly changing stage space can be created. Different environmental spaces can be “called to come and go at once” on the stage. Therefore, character performance can quickly change the environment. This kind of fusion and change between the virtual and the real achieves the likeness and unlikeness on the stage.